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October 02, 2012

Oh The Insanity! ~ Day 1

I'm sure you've seen the infomercial.  The Insanity Workout. 
Well I kept seeing it.  It seemed like every time I turned the television on, and changed the channel, there it was, staring me right in the face. 
Let me start by saying I'm a wife, and a mom.  A 37 year old wife and mom with 14 year old twin girls.  I have had to deal with more life altering events in a three year time period than I care to admit.  I make sure my husband and girls have what they need.  Their doctor visits are always scheduled and met, even if that means mine take a back seat.  I do it all without complaints, as that's what I love to do.  I love my family, and would do anything for them. 
I'm putting this all out there in hopes of 2 things.  First and foremost, to hold myself accountable and secondly, in hopes that I may inspire even one person who reads this blog, who may think that they are just beyond help, or that they missed the boat. 
Here it is.  My appalling numbers.  235.6 lbs.  BMI = a shocking 34. 
So I took the plunge, and ordered the DVD through an Ebay seller. 
I received the DVD set in several days ago, and set it down on the kitchen counter.  I would do this.  I would.  I started to read some online reviews of this workout.  A lot of online reviews. 
Now, I've tried to do the Nutrisystem thing, and while I liked the food, and did lose some weight, I felt deprived. ( and since have gained the weight back.)  I felt deprived every time I had to cook a meal for my family, and then microwave one of the Nutrisystem meals for myself.  I didn't feel like I was a part of the family dinner time.  Now, I'm not saying that Nutrisystem isn't a good weight loss plan, I'm just saying I learned that it wasn't for me.  I did however, come away with one great realization with Nutrisystem.  It's ALL about portion size.
So when my family wants to order a pizza, I too, want a slice or two.  I won't do what I used to do, and have 4 or 5 slices.  Instead I've been making a salad, or grilled veggies to go with the pizza, to use as a "filler". 
Day 1.  It's a 30 minute fitness test, that you are to do every couple of weeks during the 2 month workout.  My starting numbers were appalling.  I will say that I am not disappointed with my numbers, as I was and am well aware that I am completely out. of. shape.
I will say this.  It is called "The Insanity workout" for a reason.  It is completely insane.  Within the first several minutes the sweat was literally pouring off me.  It's a workout that is tough on the knees, so some of the jumping exercises I had to modify today slightly. (I'm hoping that within a few weeks I will be able to do them better.) 
You can go at your own pace, as this workout is all about form, getting the exercise right from start to finish.  Even the people in the DVD doing the exercises had to take breaks.  This workout is all about pushing yourself.  It flips the traditional workout, where instead of short spurts of intense training and long breaks, your workout will be long intensive training, and short breaks.
Day 1 = Done.  I feel good. 


Sharon October 2, 2012 at 10:26 AM  

I give you much crdit for sharing this story! I am looking forward to seeing your progress.

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