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July 21, 2009

Here I Grow!

Hey everyone! I wanted to let you all in on my wonderful and fabulous news. I've partnered up with Frugal Coupon Living! Starting this week I will be posting the top 5 deals for Stop & Shop AND the Target weekly sales over at Frugal Coupon Living! Ginger over at Attention Target Shoppers has graciously passed the Target Torch over and suggested me and my site as her predecessor at FCL! I am so honored to be chosen. FCL will also be providing me with her top 5 weekly deals for Kroger and Publix each week, to provide you all more great content!

So if you have some time, head on over to FCL and ATS, and pay these great Gals a visit! You wont be disappointed! And don't forget to check out my upcoming weekly deals on FCL's site.

Like my site? Want more? Head over to the right side bar and subscribe today! Never miss another bargain again!


Frugal Coupon Living July 21, 2009 at 9:04 PM  

I am excited Brandy's Big Bargains - HERE I COME!
I can't wait to share all of Brandy's great deals with my readers as well! Drop on by!

Marcie July 21, 2009 at 10:20 PM  

I am so happy to see that the match I made in "Ginger's Heaven" is indeed perfect. I am all smiles.

I've grown in many ways from my partnerships with the two of you. May you grow and grow and grow.

I am delighted to have been the one to pass a deal finding torch on over to you Brandy. And you Ashley, are a wonderful person to do what all good bloggers do...share their audience.

I love both you ladies. You make me smile bigtime tonight.

My blog is still in tact, still growing and this is why I am passing the torch.


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