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August 03, 2009

Couponing Class - Week 3

Maximizing Your Savings - Part II

Because this is such a broad target, I thought it would be best to continue on this topic, as it is probably one of the most imporant ones as well. This week, I was going to discuss "Stacking Coupons, and Shopping the Sales", however, I almost skipped over an important subtopic to this series, "Setting Your Family Up To Save". I think it would be best to discuss all the preparations you need to make before you actually get to the stores.

This is a learned art. You will continue to get better, the longer you do this. You must plan your shopping trips in order to be as effective as possible. This will benefit you in several ways. First your days of mindlessly walking up and down the aisles of the grocery stores are over. Your purchases should be decided well before you step one foot into the stores. Secondly, you will start to see that your impulse purchases will dramatically decrease. Now everyone impulse buys, and I'm not saying to stop all together. I will make the occassional impulse purchase, just not to the extent that I once used to do.

Before I started to really buckle down and use the sale ads, and coupons to my advantage, I used to spend on average $400 - $500 a month on groceries. This total is for a family of 4 with 2 dogs, and a cat. Now, on average my monthly grocery bill is $175 - $250. I am still in the learning process, and getting better each month. Some weeks I can cut my bill by 90%, others only by 30%. One of the secrets, is to not be discouraged when your savings aren't as great as you anticipated. Use those weeks as a lesson learned.

You will need to come up with a list of products that your family uses on a regular basis, and that won't go bad in a given amount of time. My list has grown from the top 20 to the top 100 products. We sat down as a family and thoroughly discussed what these items would be at first. At the same time, we each came up with 1 -2 items that we were "brand loyal" on. Mine, was contact lense solution. I love Renu, and that's the only one I will buy. My husband, Gillette Gel Deodorant (though recently we found that he also likes Right Guard Gel Deodorant!). My girls, well their brand of choice is Pop Tarts. They don't like the store brands. Now when those products go on sale, that's when I stock up.

Stockpiling will also help you to maximize your savings. You may not see the savings at first, but once your stockpile begins to grow, you will be spending less and less each week. Stockpiles don't have to be these monsterous piles that take up half your house. They can be as small as a single closet in your house, multiple small spaces in your house, or if you have the space, an extra room in the house. Once you begin, a stockpile can grow very quickly! You would be surprised at just how quickly one can grow. I have 2 spots in my house. My laundry room, which is rather large, and two shelves in the bathroom for health and beauty supplies. *Note: Medicines should not be kept in the bathroom, due to humidity when taking a shower. This can affect the potency of the medicine, and cause it not to work properly, or expire well before the expiration date.

So let's go over the highlights.

♦ Sit down and make your list of items that you will use to create your stockpile. Remember to think about what your family uses, and how much your they use in a selected amount of time. Sales generally tend to run in 12 week cycles. Try and get to 50 items. you'll be amazed at just how many daily items you use. Some ideas for creating your stockpile are,

~Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Toothbrushes, Floss, Laundry Detergent, Dish Soap, Canned goods, Dryer Sheets, Cleaning Supplies, Makeup, Feminine Products, Chap Stick, Toilet Paper, Paper Plates, Napkins, Cereals, Pasta, Tomato Sauces, Peanut Butter, Jellies, Jams, Other Hair Products, Paper Towels, Aluminum Foils, Plastic Baggies, Garbage Bags, Diapers, Diaper Wipes, Seasoning Packets, Body Washes, Hand Soaps, Cleaning Wipes, the products are endless, just remember, you wont wat to stockpile anything that has a short shelf life.

♦ Decide which items you use that you are Brand Loyal on. In other words, is there a product that you only use, and no other one will do? Make this a separate list.

♦ Decide on where you want store your stockpile. Will it be in several areas? Will you dedicate one room? Decide now, because once it grows, you will not want to have to move it around.

That's it for today! I'll see you back here at Coupon Class next week, when I go over "Organizing your coupons." What fits into your lifestyle?

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Kristen W. August 3, 2009 at 2:12 PM  

You have some really great tips! I am loving the series. Very informative. Thanks for all the hard work you are putting into this.

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