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September 08, 2009

New Weekly Line up Added!

Photo Collage by Brandy

I can say that I have close to a thousand or so web sites, blogs, and information sites in my favorites on my computer.  The one thing that I have noticed is there isn't a dedicated frugal/bargain site that lists out deals and freebies on a regular basis for Pet Bargains.  The lightbulb went off!  Beginning this Saturday, I will be doing a weekly post called, "Pet Saver Saturday!"  I myself only have a cat and two dogs, but I know that pets come in many different forms.  Some have birds, others have horses, and farm animals, and then there are those that love the reptiles. 

I will be actively seeking out bargains, deals and freebies for all of our animal friends, and companions, and be posting them each and every Saturday.  If there is something particular that you would like to see in this feature, please send me an email, and I will do my best to add it in. 

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Arianna September 8, 2009 at 9:54 PM  

This will be great! I am always looking for deals and bargains for my three dogs! Thanks so much for thinking about our four legged buddies!

Sandra Dee September 9, 2009 at 4:44 PM  

Hey Brandy,

That is a great idea. I used to have two cats and they sure got expensive. I did save a lot of money using the Paw Points rewards program from the Fresh Step kitty litter products. I got a bunch of free kitty litter! :)

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