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October 16, 2011

Repost: The ONLY Free Credit Report ~ No Gimmicks

Credit.  Good bad or indifferent, we all have a credit score number.  There are so many companies out there that will try and get you sign up for your "free" credit score number, and so many of us fall for the gimmicks, and before you know it, you're getting charged all kinds of dollars for things you didn't want, or don't need.

I'm going to fill you all in on a little secret.  Being a blogger, I have different affiliate companies that I am employed with.  You shop on Brandy's Big Bargains, I get a commission, you click, I get a commission, you sign up for a newsletter I post, yes, I get paid.  This is how I earn a living. 

Now there are many blogs and websites out there, that, just because an affiliate of theirs, posts a new promotional item that will earn them a commission, they will post it.  One of the newest ones being a "free credit score",  I always try to do the deal, or newsletter myself before I post something on my site, which is why, sometimes my deals are slightly behind other sites, I test them out, before I post them to you.

I don't ever want to mislead a reader, visitor or subscriber to Brandy's Big Bargains.  I, myself, hate being directed somewhere to sign up for a free item, only to find out that I need to sign up for several other offers before I can get the free item.  To me, it's false advertising, wrong, and down right scrupulous. 

We are all concerned with our credit "scores".  That little 3 digit number that somehow dictates what type of interest rate we receive when applying for a loan, or a credit card.  Truth be told that number means nothing.  That number is only dictated by the facts and information that is on your credit REPORT

It's your actual credit report that you should be looking at.  Your number is all well and good, but you need to know why your number is what it is.  You have the right to request one free credit report (no score, just the report) each and every year.  You must request your one report from each of the three credit bureaus, and you can do that in one simple, absolutely FREE place.  So, essentially, your requesting 3 reports, 1 from TransUnion, 1 from Equifax, and 1 from Experian.  You can do this at This is the ONLY true FREE site that you can obtain your report from, without having to sign up for "partner" offers.  You will also NOT be bombarded with dozen of emails from partner sites that you may or may not be interested in. 

These 3 reports, can in fact, contain very different information, which is why you should be looking at all of them, not just a single number.  Remember if your report is good, and accurate, your credit score will reflect that as well. 

I will also be completely honest here, I am not in any way getting paid, promoted, or earning a commission on telling you about this website.  You can simply chalk this post up to  "Consumer beware" advice, that I believe everyone should know. 

At Annual Credit Report, you can additionally choose to obtain your actual score for a small fee, if you choose to do so.  In your FULL FREE report you will be able to see any and all open credit accounts you have, as well as closed accounts, or liens against you.  You'll see whether or not you are current with payments, or how many days in default you may be.  You'll see who has been looking at your credit report.  (This is why you get "pre-approved" offers)  You will also be able to dispute items that you believe to be in-accurate. 

Once you have your credit report, go ahead and print them out, so you can take the time to really look them over.  Just be sure to put them in a safe place. 

In today's economic times, many of us have blemishes on our reports.  If you have settled some debts that you may have had, be sure to contact these companies and request they send you "Satisfaction" letters,  especially if you settled for less than the full amount owed.  These should be kept with your important papers, so when the time comes that you are applying for a loan, and that blemish should raise it's ugly head, you already have the paperwork in your hand that shows it has been satisfied.  This could make for a huge time saver for you in the long run. 

I will most likely catch some flack for this article from angry bloggers, asking me why I am ruining their potential commissions, but when it comes to your personal information, and your credit, I believe no one should be misled, or blindly guided.


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