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January 01, 2013

What I Truly Learned in 2012

Another year has come to a close, and a new year is just beginning.  I have always loved to think about what each year may or may not hold for us, even after all the tragedy that we as a family have experienced. 
2012 brought us many changes, but most importantly, 2012 taught us all a lot. 
1. Be thankful.  Be thankful for everything you have, because you never know when it will be gone.
2.  Say "I Love You", and say it a lot.
3. Take time to connect with friends. 
4. Make the time for "Date-Night" with your spouse.   Date night doesn't necessarily mean you have to leave the house either! 
5. Eat in more often. 
6. Never under-estimate the power of a good, long, hot shower.
7. Make time for yourself.  It's important that you can recharge yourself, in order to take care of everyone else.
8. Teach your children to Bake. 
9. Take a road trip.  The memories made in a single day will last forever.
10. Invite your parents over for dinner more often. 
11. Send written "Thank You" cards.  There's nothing quite like opening your mailbox, and finding one of these. 
12. Hug your children.  Everyday. 
13. Hug your pets.  Everyday.
14. Take lots and lots of photos.  ( I owe this one to a very good friend of mine, Donna, who I always joked with her that she had Too Many photos.  Turns out, there is no such thing as Too Many Photos!)
15. Back the photos up! Buy a small external hard drive, and just place it in your purse after you back them up. 
16.  Surround yourself with positive people.  Your days will be more blessed than you can ever imagine.
17.  Laugh.  Laugh everyday.
18.  There will always be laundry to do, there will always be dishes to wash.  Your kids will grow up in the blink of an eye, stop and listen to them.
19.  Eat dinner together.  Often.
20.  Unplug at least once a week.
21.  Hold an at home "movie night" with your kids, and show them some of the classics you loved as a kid.  I can guarantee that they too will enjoy some of them, if not all of them!
22.  Realize that Material Possessions come and go, but loved ones are "once in a lifetime".
23. If you have a no electronic rule at the dinner table, then don't yourself, answer the phone while at the dinner table either!
24. Stop judging yourself to others. 
25.  Don't judge others.  You never know what they are going through. 
26. Don't dwell on the past.  If it was bad, make today better, if it was good, strive for the same!
27. Enjoy the sunset at least once a week. 
28.  Enjoy the sunrise at least once a week.
29.  Donate.  Go through your closets, and donate what you no longer use, wear, or need.
30. Plant a vegetable garden, and watch your kids get truly excited to pick their own vegetables!
31. Make a fire safety plan with your family. 
32. Eat more fresh foods. 
33.  Look at the labels when buying your groceries. 
34.  Hold the door for someone more often. 
35.  Convince your parents (Or if your lucky enough to have living grandparents, them too!) to get on Facebook!  (This made my Christmas when I got a "Merry Christmas" from my dad, who NEVER uses Facebook!)
36. Start collecting something, and make it something that you and your spouse can collect together!
37.  Let bygones be bygones. Spending time on negative thoughts or feelings robs you of being able to just enjoy. 
38.  Get Healthy, and start to exercise.  It's never to late.  Really it's not. 
39. Learn to ask for help.  No one person can do it all, it just can't be done.
40. Love.  Do this with all your heart, each and every day. 


Jeanette M January 1, 2013 at 10:46 AM  

What a lovely list!

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