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January 30, 2013

Would You Try This Burger?

We love trying new and different food combinations, and my husband and I are always watching the Food Channel to come up with "Do It Ourself" recipes.  So needless to say we were watching a show the other night and saw a burger...

Yes, that is infact a glazed donut!  This was super easy to do, and although it was very delicious, it's not something that we would make all the time, well not unless we want to have a couple of bypasses in the next few years.  

It was just something that we both wanted to try.  So try we did.  

First cut a glazed donut like you would a roll.  Place face down in a frying pan.  There really isn't a need to use butter in the bottom of the pan, as long as you use a non stick pan.  Brown the bottom of each side.  This will make the donut all the easier to hold onto when biting into the sandwich.

Cook the burger to your desired "doneness".  Place on top of one side of the donut.  Add your cheese, and bacon.  


The explosion of both sweet and savory was, I have to say incredible.  The sugary glaze from the donut had quite the contrast from the saltiness of the bacon and burger.  

Reminded me more of a breakfast sandwich really.  

We made a few other burgers last night as well...  You'll just have to wait and see what the others were!  


Anonymous January 30, 2013 at 10:28 AM  

OMG! I love your burger recipes and will def. be trying this one!

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