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March 27, 2013

SavingStar Swanson eCoupon

Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE (3) cans of Swanson® Premium Chunk Chicken Breast..
Expires 5/30/2013.

Save $1.00.

Have you downloaded the Swanson Canned Chicken eCoupon Yet?

I'll share with you a story, on why I recommend downloading all the ecoupons each month.

I download the coupons each month, and then kind of forget about them.  Well it has really paid off, because on several occasions I have bought an item that I forgot was included in the monthly ecoupon deal and then I get an email stating that I received money deposited into my account.  The feeling it sort of like Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, using SavingStar is another way that I am able to save up some cash for Christmas presents.  I redeem all my savings in November, for an Amazon gift card, and then do a little online shopping!

Haven't signed up for SavingStar?  Do it today, and start saving even more!  


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