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May 15, 2013

15 More Items You Should Never Pay For!


So with my list of 10 Items You Should Never Pay For has been striking everyone's curiousity lately, I figured that it was probably time to add some more items that you may not have though of and create an additional list of 15 more items!  

Feminine Pads or Panti Liners - Stayfree for example always run a B1G1 coupon, stack that with a B1G1 free sale, and there you have 2 FREE packages!  Stock up during those weeks, and you'll have plenty to get you through until the next B1G1 free sale!  

Credit Cards - There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of different credit cards out there, that it's very easy to be able to choose one that does not require an annual fee.  If you have a card that requires an annual fee, start looking around at the other available options that are out there.  Here's a great site for finding the 10 best cards available today.

Cell Phones - Note, I did not say the monthly charges here.  That's because there's no way around it, you have some sort of cell phone bill, unless you don't have a cell phone.  whether its a monthly bill or a prepaid bill, there's still a bill.  Now the phone, well that's a different story.  Most cell phone comapnies will offer a free phone, and yes, sometimes even a free smart phone with a 2 year contract.  Here's another great way... Ask your friends or family, if they have any older ones that they are not using anymore, because let's face it, we all have those people we know that everytime you turn around, has a new phone.  Nine times out of ten, they have even tossed there semi old phone in a drawer somewhere!  

Movie Rentals - Sign up to receive text messages from Redbox, and they'll send you free codes that are good for a free movie rental.  Have more than one cell phone in your family?  Sign up all your numbers if you like renting movies, and you'll score a few free each week! 

Checking Accounts - Many bank charge you to keep your money there.  Why?  If they want your money, they need to also be able to take care of it, not take it.  Choose a bank that offers free checking.  Just make sure to read the fine print!  There are some banks that offer free chacking so long as you keep a minimum amount in there!  

Your Credit Report - You should never, ever pay for your credit report.  You are able to score a FREE full credit report once a year through Annual Credit Report dot com.  You will not get your score, but you get your entire report, from all three credit bureaus free.  If you really want your score, try out Credit Sesame where you'll get your score from Expirian, and you'll also get free monitoring, and yes it is really free, not just a free trial like you get when you sign up at free credit score.  

411 Assistance -  instead of dialing 411, where you only get 1 or 2 free calls a month, dial 1-800-free-411 for truly free 411 assistance.  All the results are sponsored by private companies, so you'll have to listen to a quick ad, but hey, it's free!  

Condoms - Okay, I know what you're thinking, "Condoms, really"?  yes, you read correctly.  There are planned parenthood clinics all over the country, and they offer free condoms!  Also, College clinics, as well as County Health Departments also offer free condoms.  

Plastic Storage Containers - Go ahead and laugh, but when we order from a local grocery store, their ready made food comes in these great plastic containers.  Just wash and reuse! 

Pens & Pencils - Every August school supplies start going on sale big time.  Just about every week you can find coupons, and cash back deals on writing utensils.  Stock up enough to last you the year!  

Scissors - Again, its an August thing.  Those back to school sales often time include a free pair of scissors at many of the different drug store companies.  Stock up time!  

Napkins - Go ahead and laugh again, but I always ask or grab an extra few napkins whenever we go out to eat.  If you only knew how many free napkins I have stocked up on, you wouldn't be laughing!  

Straws - Yep, here's another one of those things, that if you knew how many extra straws I have brought home from places, you wouldn't be laughing.  Hey it works!  

Higher Education - Yep, another shocker here.  Did you know that MIT offers free classes to anyone in the world?  And even more the BBC offers free lessons to anyone wanting to learn a foreign langauge!  

Passport Photos - Anyone with a digital camera and who can snap a photo can do it for free, and just upload them to epassportphoto dot com.  No more need to pay upwards of $10 for a passport photo!  

And there you have it, 15 more free items! 


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