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August 11, 2009

Never to Early to Plan!

Halloween will soon be upon us. Do you know what you’re doing this year? This is one of my favorite days of the year. Especially since we dress one of our dogs, and take him out with us! I myself have even contemplated dressing myself this year. Not sure as to what though. My girls will generally change their costume ideas several times before we actually decide on a final one. The dog however, well he has a Halloween buddy. My girlfriend’s daughter and my dog will generally dress as a pair. For instance last year, she went as a flower, so we made Boon a bumble bee!

Yep, he was the biggest, cutest bumble bee you have ever seen. Complete with a stinger and antennas! This year, we figured out the dogs costume before her daughters. Boon will be a Unicorn, and my girlfriend is thinking about making her little girl a Fairy Princess to go along with his costume. Everyone comments that he’s not a dog, but a large pony, so we may as well make him look like one, even if only for a night! So if you haven’t yet thought about Halloween, you might want to start. Whether you need some costumes for children or pets, or adult Halloween costumes, now is the time to start planning.

Just making sure you have the costumes you need is only the first step to planning for Halloween. You’ll also want to make sure that you have considered the safety supplies such as flashlights, and making sure you have batteries, and an extra set of batteries is always a good idea to bring with you. If you are planning on going trick or treating with a large group, it’s a good idea to get together with everyone, and get a single type of flasher, or glow stick. With it being dark, it’s not always easy to spot your child or children. Having them all with the same type of flasher, or glow stick makes it a little easier for any adult in the group to spot them quickly. Another good idea to carry along with you is a loud whistle. If kids are ahead of you, and with their friends, they may not always hear you calling their names, a whistle on the other hand, will catch their ears quickly.

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Renee August 11, 2009 at 11:54 PM  

HA! So I'm not the only one already thinking about Halloween :) I like your suggestion for taking along a whistle. Thanks and Happy Trick or Treating (soon!)

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