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June 12, 2009

Black Friday 2009 Countdown

Okay, so it is a little early, you may be thinking, "Am I out of my mind"? Well sometimes yes, however, I woke this morning, and said to myself, we are just about half way through the year already. Where did the year go? It seems like only yesterday I was shoveling snow off the walkway in February.

Black Friday is one of my favorite days of the year, not only for the good sales, but for the awesome time that I have with a good friend of mine. We get up early, have our ads in hand, and drive to the first store usually around 4:30am. We will battle the crowds, laugh at the people who are genuinely upset that they didn't get the last Wii system, or the hottest gift of the season and so on, then move onto the next store and do the same thing. We make a day of it, taking a break for breakfast, and maybe lunch. We don't ever get upset that we missed something. Why? Well our plans are usually the same. The biggest gift that our kids want, we make sure we buy well ahead of Black Friday if it's in our budget. If for some reason they go on sale cheaper, after our purchase is made, most stores will price adjust, if it's in the time frame allowed! We do this so that we can have FUN on this day. If we get a great bargain, GREAT. If not, well no big deal, we still had fun!

So beginning this month I will be actively seeking out Black Friday deals and ads. As I find them, I will post them. I will be hosting a landing spot for all these deals on my left sidebar so you can visit them whenever you wish to.


kelly June 12, 2009 at 8:51 AM  

awesome. cant wait. I too love black friday.I have a hubby that loves shopping as much as I do.

Anonymous June 28, 2009 at 1:48 PM  

I am soo excited about Black Friday this year wonder what kind of deals we will get because the economy is so bad? Black friday sales is Black Friday @ or

They always have the scans and are very well organized!

Anonymous October 8, 2009 at 10:18 AM  


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