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October 24, 2009

New Beginnings...

You may be noticing that my posts are fewer lately.  Don't worry I will be back up in running full force within the next 7 days.  My outside job will be coming to an end this coming Friday, and I will be gearing up to work full time on my website.  I'll be making some changes as to the look and feel of this site.  Sort of a fresh start step.  I'm hoping to make it a little more user friendly, and easy to navigate through.  I will also begin to add many more store deals to my weekly lineup from some of the best fellow bloggers around.  A new feature you will see up soon, will be my new header picture.  My girls are collectively working on creating one of their very own for my site.  It will be an original drawing that they come up with!  I can't wait to see it! 

I'll be setting up a small poll of questions tonight, I would love to get everyone's feedback!  Thanks again for all your support! 

"Look out World Wide Web...  Here I Come!"

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