Find us on Google+ September is National Coupon Month ~ Brandy's Big Bargains

September 14, 2010

September is National Coupon Month

Did you know that September is National Coupon Month?  I did not know this until yesterday!  As I was surfing the web, looking for some great deals, I came across this website, Nation Coupon Month dot org

There are quite a few facts listed on this site, that I was not aware of, such as 92% of consumers have changed their spending habots in the last 2 years.  92%!  That is a huge number of people.  You can also find some pretty good tips and tricks on cutting entertainment expenses, and links to other resources. 

Are you coupon savvy?  On average how much money do you save when going shopping?  In the coming weeks, starting tomorrow, as I said in an early post today, I will be beginning a new series called "Wednesday Wealth", Revealing tips, tactics, and tricks to save more, spend less, become more frugal without hassle and so much more.  I have also already added a new tab at the top of this page, just look for "Series", and you'll be able to refer back to it as many times as you want!


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