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September 09, 2010

Too Funny Not To Share!

This was way too funny, not to share.  Our English Mastiff, Boon, is the perfect definition of a three year old!  He loves his girls, and when they don't pay attention to him, he turns into this very whiny three year old!  Watch the video, and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about! 

If you own a mastiff, you know the comical antics these dogs provide you with on a daily basis, and Boon is no exception!  Boon and my daughters are completely inseparable, they play together, and he sleeps with them.  He knows when they should be home from school, as he will wait for them by the front door. 


Ginger September 9, 2010 at 8:36 PM  

awww - he is so lovable ... :)

Our dogs "talk" too. It is just priceless to see them ask for cookies every night at 8:30pm much the same way as Boon asked for some attention.

Love the pups!


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