Find us on Google+ 365 Tips to a Healthier, Happier, Better You ~ Day 4 ~ Brandy's Big Bargains

January 05, 2012

365 Tips to a Healthier, Happier, Better You ~ Day 4

Before Christmas, I got hit with a nasty virus, that basically put me out of commission for about a week and a half.  I usually don't get sick that early in the Cold Season.  The norm for me, is January, that's when I really get hit with some ugly virus.

So when I got hit with it before Christmas, as sick as I was, I was sort of glad that I got it early.  I was figuring January would come and I would be all set.  Wrong.  I am sicker than ever, and can't understand how my body seems to know that it's once again January, and time for me to get sick.  Very sick.  My virus, never had the chance to completely go away, infact, I have a call into the doctor, as I believe this may be turning into pneumonia.  Lucky me. 

Now, this thing has been through my entire house, even my husband has now been hit with this thing, and trust me, he never gets sick. 

With my pathetic tweets, and Facebook status updates, the generally consensus is, is that everyone has this bug thing.  With so many of us sick right now, chances are, someone close to you is already infected.  If you haven't gotten this bug yet, consider yourself lucky.

Which brings me to today's tip.  Take 5 minutes today, and grab yourself a can of Lysol Disinfecting spray or Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, and spray or wipe down all your door handles, faucet handles, drawer pulls, keyboards, phones, and TV remotes. 

Why Lysol?  Simple.  It kills 99.9% off all viruses and bacteria and also kills Cold and Flu Viruses including Pandemic 2009 H1N1 Influenza A.

I have been going crazy each day throughout the house wiping down, and spraying everything in sight.  Here are some areas, which you may not have thought to wipe or spray down:

Kitchen drawer handles, and door pulls, Fridge door handles, All door handles, including the outside ones, Toilet seats and handles, sink faucets, TV remotes, Computer keyboards, the tops and backs of chairs, places in which you have buttons such as your washer and dryer dials, stove dials, and dish washer dials, closet door handles, Phone receivers and buttons, cell phones, desk drawer handles, commonly used writing utensils, shower water control handles, vacuum handles, hand rails, alarm clock buttons, light switches, coffee pot handle, toaster oven door handle, car door handles, steering wheels, keys, purse straps, dog leashes, pet food bowls, medicine bottles, and medicine cabinet doors.

Do you have any areas that I didn;t think of?  Leave a comment and let everyone know your tips!


Anonymous January 5, 2012 at 7:32 AM  

don't forget about hair bruch handles, and tooth brush handles! Thanks for the other areas, I wouldn't have thought of the washer and dryer dials!

We 3 Sissies January 6, 2012 at 5:20 AM  

Great blog topic! Thanks!

Lydia January 6, 2012 at 7:04 AM  

I wouldn't have thought of the washer and dryer handles either. I would add an item though. How about Comb and brush handles?

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