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March 05, 2012

Murphy's Law Strikes Again

It seems that Murphy's Law rather enjoys visiting us.  It's not like I put out coffee and cookies for him.  But, for some reason he likes it here, so much so, that I am really starting to look for some alternative, homeopathic, superstitious items to try and change our luck around, because I am really sick of dealing with emergencies, catastrophes and the like.

Yesterday after we spent spent the better part of the night at the ER with Jennicka.  Seems she has become a trampoline statistic.  Though she was not jumping, she did in fact lost her footing, and down she went, right onto the metal frame.  Face.  First. 

After waiting for the x-rays and CT scans to come back with no breaks or fratcures in the jaw or chin, I could breathe a little better.  She did however have to get 11 stitches in two places on the inside of her lip and gum, as well as have the outside of lip glued shut.  This morning we will be heading to the dentist, to see what we can do about her two broken front teeth. 

Through it all, this is one tough girl.  Not a single tear, not a single complaint.  She was a rock.  Joking about the time she went face first into the pavement when she was younger.  Reminding me what she said when she was 5,  " You think I look bad?  You should see what the road looks like!"  Tougher than I could have ever been.  She amazes me.  More and more everyday. 

So, to Mr. Murphys Law, if you're listening, I would appreciate if you would go elsewhere for your next cup of coffee, because I really do need a break from you, and if you should run into Mr. Luck please let him know where we are living.  Thanks. 

Your's Truly,


Amy Lynn March 5, 2012 at 4:38 PM  

You are just so amazing. You still are joking, which I am just in awe of. Keep up that wonderful attitude!

Tammy March 9, 2012 at 6:49 PM  

Poor guys are one strong family! :)

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