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August 31, 2012

My New Favorite Tech Toy ~ & Must Have Apps!

This past Tuesday, I waited to here the sound of the UPS truck...  I waited, and waited, until I heard the sound of the big brown truck.  I ran to the door like a child running down the stairs on Christmas morning.  The only difference was, I knew what the man, who was wearing those iconic brown shorts was bringing to my door...
The new iPhone 4 G S.
Now, let me go back a few days.  I have noticed in the recent months that my cell phone bill was slowly creeping up in cost.  I was on a mission last week to try and get some of our monthly bills lowered.  So I thought it was best to begin with our cell phone bill.
I have been a T-Mobile customer for at least 8 years, and I can honestly say that I have stayed because of the customer service that I have always received.  I knew I was paying a little more, but I figured it was worth not having to fight with potential issues that occasionally arose on our statements. 
I started looking up the coverage maps of the different cell phone carriers, and found out that AT&T now has partnering carriers throughout the areas of Maine where we like to camp.  So I began trying to configure something comparable to what we currently had with T-Mobile, through their website. 
I will admit, I had a really hard time deciphering their website, trying to figure out what I needed, and how to add the items to the cart.  Getting nowhere, I figured it would be best to go ahead and empty my cart, and call the AT&T customer service department directly. 
After about an hour and a half, yes, it really did take that long to fully understand everything, I decided to go ahead and sign up with AT&T, and take on a 2 year agreement.  (The thought of an agreement, made me sick, only because it's been years since I have had to think of such a thing.)
Turns out, that all that time on the phone really paid off, as I was lowering my bill by about $67.00 PER MONTH!
That said, going from an Android phone to an iPhone, really isn't all that much different.  The biggest change to get used to was and still is the App Store.  I do believe that the Android Market has really improved in the quality and quantity of available apps, moreso than the iTunes App Store.
So here's a little run down of some must have apps:
This has got to be one of the most addicting games out there right now.  Stock your stores, create living spaces, move new people in, get them into their dream jobs, all in real time. 
250+ Solitaire Collection for iPhone is a great solitaire game for the times when you're waiting in a doctors office waiting.  With so many different solitaire games to choose from, it never gets dull.
This is probably a no brain'er but the Amazon App, is definitely one of the better ones out there.  I like the fact that if something pops into my head during the day that I am looking for, I can add the item to my wish list, so I wont forget it. 
Yes, it's true, I'm an Ebay'er.  Unfortunately so is my husband, who also has this installed on his phone.  Ebay has definitely come a long way over the last few years. 
Okay you all know about Facebook and Twitter, so those apps are pretty much a given.  I wont even go there, but if you like a little variety and read blogs, well you'll probably like the Byline App.
Simply sign into your Google account, and all the blogs you read online, are available right there in one spot on your iPhone!
Sky Grid is quickly becoming one of my favorites.  I can choose what I want to follow, and get all my news and entertainment news in a single place.  Slide between Top News, and Your News, all are laid out in picture format, it's a simple, easy way to get up to the minute updates on all the going ons around the world. 
So there you have it, a few of my favorite apps for the iPhone.  What are some of your favorite apps, leave a comment and let me know! 


Anonymous August 31, 2012 at 11:47 AM  

wow, $67 saving a month is huge!

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