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May 23, 2009

Boon Moments...Priceless!

Worked more in the front yard today. Thanks Mom! We managed to get two terrible bushes out of the front corner of our yard, and turned it into a wonderful garden bed for all my different bulbs. I can't wait to see it in full bloom next year. After all that, we decided that a little play time was called for. Bring on the Boon moments! He loves his basketballs! For that matter he loves any balls! Watching the girls try and get the ball away from a 200 lb dog is just hilarious! Boon gets so excited that the drool begins to literally pour out of his mouth. Yes it was good that it all happened outside! That is until he decided to shake his massive head, and then it just went everywhere, and on everyone. I know it sounds gross, and well it is gross, but oh it is so funny!

Knowing that he is this big, and also knowing that he loves "his girls" makes play time that much more fun, as I don't worry that he may hurt them, the girls learned today after the tug-o-war event that if they say please, Boon actually lets them have the ball, and he doesn't give that ball up for just anybody! *Note, that his ears are actually bigger than my daughters face!


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