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May 22, 2009

Target Trip with the Hubby

Well we had Friday night without the kids! 2 weeks in a row! Woo Hoo!! What do we do? We went to Target, a hot date night right? I was informed today when I got home from work that we needed to buy a couple pairs of shorts, as he wanted a couple pairs that were a little longer, a light bulb went off in my head! He wanted to go shopping? Okay, I was game, but if we were going to go to Target, I wasn't going in without my coupons!

2 - pairs of shorts $9.99 ea
1 - 24oz Hunts Ketchup $1.02
5 - Nabisco 100 calorie snacks packs - $2.04 ea ( I printed these before we left!)

Total before coupons: $31.20

Coupons used:
1 - Free bottle of Hunts ketchup, from ConAgra home mailer
5 - $1.00/1 Nabisco IP Coupon here
5 - $1.00/1 Target Coupons for the 100 calorie snacks
1 - $5.00 Gift Card from the Swifter promotion last week

Total OOP: $15.18

The Nabisco 100 calorie snack packs were only 4¢ for each box after the coupons!


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