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July 27, 2009

Vacations Are Calling...

It's that time of year, where many people are talking about taking vacations before the kids go back to school. It's a lot different in today's economy than it was 20, even 10 years ago. It used to be that many families would take multiple vacations throughout the year. Those days are gone, maybe not forever, but for most, at least any time in the foreseeable future.

Taking a vacation doesn’t have to drain your pockets though. There are many ways to save money while on vacation. For instance instead of staying in a hotel room for a week try look into staying in a vacation rental home. Most vacation rental homes come equipped with a full kitchen, which allows you to save a lot of money by cooking in, and not paying astronomical prices at restaurants. This has been a topic in my house many times in the past. In fact it’s the only way we vacation now.

We’ve been to many places, and recently we were discussing where we would like to go next. One of the places that have come up is for a Panama City Beach Vacation. This is a place that is highly under rated. There are many things to do and see, and they also have some great vacation rental homes at reasonable prices.

Panama City Beach has some great trails for hiking, lots of beautiful beaches, fishing, and great exhibits to go and see. There is definitely something for everyone here. Best of all, right now, there are some fantastic rates and specials going on for many of the vacation rental homes some as low as $100.00 for a week!

How do you vacation? Leave me a comment and let me know how you save money when you vacation. I’d love to hear some new ideas!

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