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December 13, 2011

Triple Action Purex Review

I recently had the opportunity to try out the new Purex Triple Action Laundry Detergent.  According to Purex, this new and improved triple action formula "delivers even better on Purex's promise to leave your clothes bright, white and clean."   This new and improved triple action formula is available across the entire liquid laundry detergent line.

Right off the bat, I loved the scent.  Clean.  Not-to-overwhelming. 

I will say, I hate, and I do mean hate doing laundry.  The sorting, the washing, the drying, the folding, the putting away, I hate it all, from start to finish.  One of my biggest pet-peeves, is the cost of all the laundry supplies, which is why Purex has always been one of my favorites.  The cost, or maybe I should say, lack of cost.  I can usually find coupons, and often times stack those coupons with sales at my local stores, so more money stays in my purse. 

So the other day I tried this new Triple Action Formula Purex, in my HE Washer.  Yes this new formula is available for all those with HE appliances, which always puts a smile on my face.  In went the clothes, the fabric softener, and detergent. 

I figured detergent is detergent. They all get your clothes clean.  Well, needless to say, I have had a lot on my plate over this past week.  We had a surgery for one of our daughters... again.  Christmas Shopping, wrapping gifts, hosting a pot luck dinner, doctor appointments etc.  I forgot I had put a load of clothes into the washer. 

I think maybe it's my "hate" of laundry that makes me "forget" I have a load of clothes in the washer.  So when I did remember, I pretty much figured that I would have to RE-run the load, in order to get that little tinge of musty-odor out of the wet load of clothes, especially since some of the items in there were towels that I used to "dry off the dog" with, so you can imagine the scent they already had on them. 

Enter the laundry room.  I opened the washer, and "stuck my head" into the washer to investigate the level of mustiness.  No musty scent.  I then grabbed a few items and put my nose closer.  Still nothing.  I forgot for a moment that I was using the new Triple Action Formula Purex.  When I realized that it was the Purex, I started looking at the items.  They were just as white, and just as clean as the more expensive brands of laundry detergent would have gotten them.   Only this load, seeing as I "forgot" they were in the washer for a day and a half, didn't have to be re-rinsed.   This was the winning moment in my book. 

So, if you're like me, and have the occasional "I forgot clothes in the washer moments... or just hate paying the price of those other detergents, may I suggest the Triple Action Formula Purex?  I'm not saying you'll enjoy doing laundry, but you may not have to RE-rinse that load that you "forgot" about! 


Anonymous December 13, 2011 at 10:38 AM  

Oh my god, I can't tell you how many times I have had to re wash a load of laundry, because I forgot it was in the washer I'm so glad to hear, I'm not the only one out there! Thanks, I will have to try this.

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